Monday, October 5, 2009

Well everyone who stop by my page and reads it my afternoon was ok it was better than this morning. I guess that medicine really helped out. I'm just hoping for a better day tomorrow or i'm praying that it's a better day. I just need all the strenght i can get right now during the day. But i'm still trying to figure out something in my life my life is so crazy i don't know what i'm supposed to do with my life after next year. I guess god as the bigger pic and i just can't see it clearly right now. Anyways off to bed bloggers please feel free to follow me or let me know your thoughts and if you've been though of the same situations I've been in. Anyways may god bless you and have a great night.

Ugh this sucks. Today isn't a good day. I woke up feeling good but as the day goes on ugh not feeling good. My heart been racing and now i feel like im getting chest pains. Just not i good day. I hope it get better cuz i still have a long afternoon ahead of me. I also have the best mom in the world she gave my doggy a bath for me. I love my parents so much i'm so glad they are always here for me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ugh i hate bein a heart patient grrr. Wished i could meet more people like me. It sucks not bein able to talk about how you feel with people that don't understand you. If you have health problems add me i'd love to chat. The two people that knew what i was going through is in heaven and i miss um so much. Well going to bed early. May god bless you! Thank's for reading.